Neste episódio vamos falar de um tema que sou apaixonado, expressões idiomáticas.
Criei uma história que contém 19 expressões usuais do dia-a-dia em inglês.
Diálogo completo
John: What’s up, Andy?! Man… I’ve got so much to tell you!!
Andy: What’s up, John?! really man?! Bring it on!
John: Dude, last week I was walking down the street and out of the blue I saw something CRAZY.
Andy: Really what was that?
John: Man, I never expected to see that in my life
Andy: Bro, cut to the chase, what was it?
John: I don’t know if I should tell you this, Andy.
Andy: Stop beating around the bush John. What happened?
John: So, I saw my ex-wife, Pam, holding hands with Kevin.
Andy: Kevin? our friend Kevin?
John: Yes. Kevin my childhood best friend.
They were on cloud nine. They seemed really happy. I was hoping that maybe I would still have a chance with her, but now that’s just a pipe dream, but now I know that I’ll have her back when pigs fly.
Andy: Wow John, I’m sorry about that man. Are you okay?
John: Yes. I am fine man, but that was the last straw. I quit my old job. I’m gonna find a new one. I’m gonna move to a new city. It’s not gonna be a piece of cake, I know, but I gotta face the music now.
Andy: Wow John!! But you had a good job, don’t burn bridges here.
John: I know man. It was a big company. It was my bread and butter but it was not really my cup of tea.
Andy: Wow, John! I’m glad you’re okay.
John: That’s water under the bridge now, Andy. The truth is I took my life for granted for a long time. Now I’m turning a new page in my life.
Andy: That’s awesome, man. Hey, our favorite band is coming to the town after 20 years. That’s a once-in-a-blue-moon situation man. Do you wanna come?
John: Whoa, really? when is that?
Andy: it’s tonight at 11 pm.
John: Oh man! ☹ I’m gonna have to take a rain check on that. I have to sleep early because I have a job interview tomorrow morning.
Andy: They’re also playing tomorrow at 11pm.
John: Wow! Really?! How much is that gonna cost? I hope it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, you know, I don’t have a job right now.
Andy: Don’t worry man. It’s my treat.
- Walking down the street – Caminhando pela rua
- Out of the blue – Do nada/De repente/Fora do esperado
- Cut to the chase – Vá direto ao ponto
- Stop beating around the bush – Pare de fazer rodeios
- To be on cloud nine – Estar extremamente feliz
- A pipe dream – Um sonho impossível/Um sonho irreal
- When pigs fly – Nem que a vaca tussa/Algo extremamente difícil de acontecer
- The last straw – A gota d’água
- A piece of cake – Mamão com açúcar
- Face the music – Encarar as consequências
- Burn bridges – Queimar as pontes/Fechar as portas
- Bread and butter – Ganha pão
- Not my cup of tea – Não é a minha praia
- Water under the bridge – Água embaixo da ponte/Águas passadas
- For granted – Tomar como garantido/Desmerecer/Não dá valor
- Once-in-a-blue-moon – Uma vez na vida outra na morte
- A rain check – Remarcar algo (com real intenção que aquilo aconteça)
- Cost an arm and a leg – Algo muito caro/Custa os olhos da cara
- It’s my treat – É meu tratamento/Deixa comigo
Outros vocabulários
- Bring it on – Manda Bala
- Bro – Mano
Em 2019 postei uma expressão por dia no meu outro Instagram (Pra Inglês Ver), nos siga lá para ver as mais de 365 expressões postadas e se inscreva também no nosso canal no Youtube.
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Obrigado pela sua atenção e até o próximo episódio. See you!