Ep. 037 – Listening Practice (100% em Inglês)

Episódio 100% em inglês para que vocês pratiquem o listening

Este episódio é diferente. Decidi contar um pouco da história de como eu aprendi inglês, mas 100% em inglês.

O objetivo não é entender tudo, mas sim se expor ao máximo ao idioma! Eu garanto que quanto mais vezes você ouvir a este episódio, mais você vai entender

Transcrição do inglês

Hello. What’s up you guys? Welcome again to Ingles do Zero Podcast. The podcast that will help you to learn English in a fun way, in a chronological way. In a way that you can learn by yourself.

I decided to do this podcast because I was looking for something made specially for those who are starting the English journey and couldn’t find anything. So I thought I would be a good idea to start a podcast teaching people who are really begginer at the language. So, I decided to come up with a podcast myself. And, it’s been great. It’s been awesome. We have recorded already 36 episodes, if I’m not mistaken, and I love what I am doing here. This is gonna be the first episode entirely in English, Okay? You don’t need to understand everything, but try to listen to it repeatedly, time after time, because I’m pretty sure if you hear this more than once you will start to understand it better. Alright?! 

Today I decided to do this episode to explain how I learned English. If you don’t know my story you can go to the first episode here of the podcast. I told you, guys, how I learned English, how was my experience, how was my journey and also how I became a teacher. If you’re curious about it, you can go to the first episode to check it out. 

(Okay, I think i’m speaking a little bit fast. I’m gonna reduce. I’m gonna try to speak a little bit slowly)

In today’s episode I’ll be talking about how I learned English and how was my experience and how you can learn English if you do the same I did. Well, if you want to know about my story and how I learned English you can go to YouTube and you can type it out, and just look up the video called: “Como eu aprendi inglês em 6 meses – Pra inglês ver” and then you’re gonna be watching the video, and In this video I told you guys everything I did in order to learn English. Today I’m gonna summarize it. I’m gonna give you the essence of what I did to learn English.

The year was 2014 I was working in a telemarketing company, can you believe that?! and I was very unhappy there because..when I used to make calls at the company I was okay, because I like calling people.. I mean.. this is something very… sometimes it was sad because I would hear all kinds of story, like: “Ohh man, I don’t have money..sorry. I have no money to pay for this debt. Can you please forgive me?” And I used to listen to all kinds of stories of people who were not able to pay for their debts. And Yeah, I was okay with it. Because I could help people by giving them special discounts and I also could earn a good money. But Then i was promoted to be in charge of a small group of people. I would have to control them, and I would have to tell them: “Hey, you’re taking to long to talk to this person”, “Please, hang up! It’s about time” So, anyway, to cut a long story short I was unhappy at the company. I wasn’t happy at all! I used to have a really low salary and wages and I wasn’t enjoying the place, the owner of the company was crazy, so I decided that it was about time for me to try something else. But, I didn’t quit the job, I was fired. I was fired because I was very, very uncompromised. You know?! I was not doing my best, and then they fired me after 5 years. And then when I got the money, it’s crazy but I was about to get married. It was one year before my wedding. I was going to get married and I needed the money. That’s the thing. I needed the money because I was going to get married and things were not paid yet. But then, I had a teacher, I had studied English before that, in Sao Caetano. 

(Okay. let me slow down. Sorry guys! Sometimes I get very excited and I start to speak very fast. I’ll try to reduce again.)

So… before that I used to study English, I took a 3-month-intensive-English-course. And man.. I really liked this course. It was really good for me and I really got along with my teacher at the time. His name was Valdivo and he was a very nice guy and after I was fired from my company I called him because he had told me before that he would me get I new job if I was unemployed. Because he knew I was unhappy at my company and I left the company I called him and I told him: “Hey man, I’m free now. I can work with whatever I want. Can you try to recommend me a good place to work..and so on and so forth. And then he told me: “Hey. I think you should be an English teacher with me” and I was like.. “I’m not ready. I just studied for 3 months. How am I supposed to be a teacher if I only studied for 3 months? That doesn’t add up! It doesn’t make sense” and he told me: “Yes, but before being a teacher you need to go abroad. You need to go to another country to study English a little bit more”And then I took.. well, I won’t tell you the whole story because it’s pretty big but…that was pretty much what he told me. And then I went to London. My aunt, my uncle’s wife, she had a sister who lived in London, and I tried to contact her. I got her number, actually I got her facebook, and then through facebook I talked to her. And I told her that I was looking for a place to stay for a few months, in order to learn English and she told me that I could go. And then I went to London, I lived there for 3 months. I really learned a lot of English… and then 3 months after that when I returned to Brazil I started to study at home. I studied at home A LOT. I mean… because I wasn’t fluent yet.. I mean, i had a fluency but it was very bad. I needed to improve and when I came back to Brazil I studied a lot. After that I started to teach some friends and after that some people I didn’t know yet. So… that has been my profession for the last 5 years. I love my job, I love what I do. And nowadays learning English is very simple. I’m not saying it’s easy, because it’s not. But it’s easy, you can listen to podcats. That’s probably what you do right now, right? Since you’re hearing this one. And you can go to YouTube.. You have tones of diffent ways to learn English. And that was my experience. I think everybody should speak English. Everybody needs to have the change to express themselves in English, because English is so important. Isn’t it?!

Well guys. That’s it! That’s my story. I won’t make it too long, but if you wanna check my whole story you can go to youtube: “Pra ingles ver- como eu aprendi ingles” I told you guys everything about my story. I love my story. That might sound a little bit cocky but I really do love my story, because…it was very special for me. Right?! 

Anyway.. that’s it for today you guys. I hope you have enjoyed this ep. It was very short but I bet it was very challenging for you. because that was the first epcompletely in English. I hope this was a good experience for you, not a bad one. 

So that’s it for today you guys. Thanks for tunning in. Don’t forget to follow us on our social media:

you can also go to our facebook. our facebook is: 

And we have created a special group of the podcast. If you wanna join it, just access: bit.ly/grupoidz

Pra você entender ainda mais o que foi dito neste episódio, assista a este vídeo para que você entenda a minha história em português, isso vai ajudar a compreender o que foi dito neste episódio.

🗣️ Speak up! 🎧

Queridos ouvintes do Inglês do Zero, sua opinião é muito importante pra nós. Diga nos comentários no final da página o que você achou deste episódio.
Obrigado pela sua atenção e até o próximo episódio. See you! 👊

5 comentários

  1. I’m so happy, because I understood everything, even with some words that I don’t knew.


  2. Meu… que história interessante mano! Eu sempre quis aprender… mais procrastinava… e investir dinheiro sempre foi a última opção. mas agora desde que eu comeceiaouvir i podcast meu maindset mudou robustamente, estou estudando todos os dias sozinho mesmo e vamo que vamo” tenho 3 objetivos importantes:
    01- aprender a ponto de ver um filme sem legenda e entender;
    02- aprender a ponto de poder ensinar minha filha que hoje está com 3 anos (faz 4 em 28/08/20)
    03- aprender pra poder viajar e desenrolar lá fora.
    esse n°3 creio que seja muito difícil porém não é impossível.
    São metas ousadas mas com fé em Deus e força de vontade eu chego lá.


  3. eu confesso que fiquei desesperada!!! Não entendi nadinha… Ouvi umas três vezes, e ai fui entendendo uma palavra ou outra!!! Mas confesso que também, não estou aplicada como deveria. Sempre tive dificuldade de aprender a língua e não gosto muito, mas sei o quanto é importante para o mercado de trabalho e por isso, estou tentando… Gosto dos seus podcast e estou acompanhando aos poucos, espero um dia chegar la!
    Parabéns e obrigado.


    1. Olá Teacher J. Confesso que só ouvindo o podcast tive dificuldades, porém quando vim ao site e acompanhei o podcast em texto aumento meu entendimento pra 70%. Por mais que não soubesse de todas palavras pelo contexto consegui entender bem. Percebi que tenho que melhor muito meu listening, pois é aí q eu fico bem perdida…. Mas fico feliz com o meu progresso com vc. Sua metodologia é excepcional! Obrigada!


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