Ep. 077 – Teste 2 [Tom is looking for a job]

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Tom is looking for a job

Julia works in HR in a marketing company. The company needs a new employee. Julia has to hire this person. Her boss was really specific, he wants someone who is smart, who speaks several languages, who is a team player, who likes and understands about foreign movies and cuisine, and most importantly… he wants someone whose astrological sign is not Virgo! Her boss can’t stand people who are Virgos.

Julia interviewed 6 people so far, but none of them was a good call. She is hopeful, though, seven is her lucky number.

Tom is looking for a job! Currently, he lives with a friend because he can’t afford to pay rent! He quit his previous job because he was going to spend six months on a trip all around Europe. The trip was AMAZING but since he came back he has been having problems to find a good job. He had 2 interviews so far but unfortunately, none of the companies called him back. He is very hopeful, though. He has an interview in a very nice company tomorrow morning and 3 is his lucky number.

It’s the day of the interview! Tom feels confident and positive. He woke up early, had a big breakfast, wore his lucky black shirt and drove to the interview.

The interview begins!
Julia asks:
– Hi, can you introduce yourself?
– Sure! Says Tom.
– My name is TOM Wilson, I am 31 years old. I’m from Spain but now I live here in the US in Boston.
Julia is impressed. Tom’s English is very good.
– Your English is really good. How did you learn it? Julia asks
– I’m a self-learner, says Tom. In fact, I speak 5 languages.
– Oh really? Do you speak Italian? Because we have some clients from Italy!
– Yes, I do. I spent one month traveling in Italy.
– Oh, that’s nice. You speak Spanish and English, too, right?
– That’s right!
– Do you speak Portuguese? Our boss is originally from Brazil.
– No. Unfortunately, I do not speak Portuguese. I speak French, though.
I noticed that the name of your company is ‘la belle vie’ which means “the good life” in English!
– Oh yeaaah! The boss grew up in France. He’s going to love that.
– I also learned Russian when I went there for the World Cup in 2018.

Julia is really impressed! Tom seems to be a very intelligent man and he can speak several different languages.

– So, Tom, do you have experience in marketing?
– Yes. I worked for a company for 20 years. I loved my job and enjoy working in marketing.
– Why don’t you work there anymore?
– Well, I quit because I wanted to travel around Europe.
– Wow. How was your time there?
– It was amazing! I studied French in Paris. Marketing in London and I took a cooking course in Italy.
Wow. This is guy is good…thinks Julia
– Oh. So you like cooking?
– I love cooking! And I also love eating!
– What kind of food do you like to eat?
– I like to eat all kinds of food! I just don’t like Mexican food. it’s too spicy for me
– What’s your favorite dish?
– My favorite dish is lasagna
Julia is very happy! Tom seems perfect for the job.
– Are you a team player?
– Oh yes. I was elected the best employee of 2017 in the company I worked for because I coordinated a group of 22 people in a big project.
– Whoa! Tom, I am impressed! I think you got the job! I think you have everything we need.

Tom is over the moon! He is very happy. Now he will be able to pay the rent. Now he can go to expensive restaurants again. Now he can think about the future.
– Thank you very much for this opportunity. I’m really happy! You won’t regret it.

While Tom is walking out of the meeting room, Julia is thinking about how lucky she is because she found Tom.
While Tom was walking out of the meeting room he was thinking about how lucky he is to have found a job.

When Tom was shutting the door he listens to Julia’s voice.
– Wait, TOM! … What’s your astrological sign?
– My astrological sign?
– Yes. That’s important!
– It’s Virgo.


1. In which area does Julia work?
2. How many people did Julia interview?
3. Why did Tom quit his previous job?
4. How many interviews did Tom have?
5. How old is Tom?
6. Where is he from?
7. Where does he live?
8. How many languages does Tom speak?
9. Where is the boss originally from?
10. What language did tom Learn for the world cup in 2018?
11. How many years of experience does Tom have in Marketing?
12. What kind of food Tom doesn’t like?
13. What’s Tom’s favorite dish?
14. Did Tom get the job?

🗣️ Speak up!  🎧

Queridos ouvintes do Inglês do Zero, sua opinião é muito importante pra nós. Diga nos comentários no final da página o que você achou deste episódio.
Obrigado pela sua atenção e até o próximo episódio. See you! 

32 comentários

  1. Eu realmente amo quando coloca textos de conversação para nós, acredito que fica mais fácil de ver como as palavras se encaixam da maneira que ensinou pra gente, fica mais fácil de compreender sabe?!
    Se não for pedir muito, poderia fazer um de alguém chegando na recepção de um hotel?


    1. Eu acho muito interessante e valido esse tipo de aula, ouvir texto em Ingles e interpreta-lo é um exercício de grande aprendizado.
      Por mais atividades neste formato.


  2. 1. In which area does Julia work?
    2. How many people did Julia interview?
    seven people
    3. Why did Tom quit his previous Job?
    Cause he traveled for Europe
    4. How many interviews did Tom have?
    5. How old is tom?
    31 years old
    6. Where is here from?
    From Spain
    7. Where does he live?
    In Eua, London
    8. How many languages does Tom speak?
    Five language
    9. Where is the boss origally from?
    From Brazil
    10. What language did tom Learn for the world cup in 2018?
    In Russian
    11. How many years of experience does Tom have in Marketing?
    20 years
    12. What kind of food tom doesn’t like?
    Mexican food
    13. What’s tom favorite dish?
    14. Did tom get the job?
    No, because your sign is virgo.


  3. 1. In which area does Julia work?
    2. How many people did Julia interview?
    3. Why did Tom quit his previous Job?
    4. How many interviews did Tom have?
    5. How old is tom?
    31 YEARS OLD
    6. Where is here from?
    7. Where does he live?
    8. How many languages does Tom speak?
    9. Where is the boss origally from?
    10. What language did tom Learn for the world cup in 2018?
    11. How many years of experience does Tom have in Marketing?
    20 years
    12. What kind of food tom doesn’t like?
    He doesn’t like Mexican food
    13. What’s tom favorite dish?
    14. Did tom get the job?


    1. Na vdd eu não sei se ele do seguiu por conta so signo


  4. Excelente texto, muito didático e algumas expressões se repetem para que as fixemos. Parabéns, tenho ouvido os podcasts diariamente e noto evolução em meu listening.


  5. Muito bom o texto, ótimo para treinar o listening! Eu ouvi várias vezes até conseguir entender tudo.


  6. Eu amei esse episódio. Acho que testei bem meus conhecimentos, confesso que na primeira vez que escutei não entendi muita coisa, mas apartir da 3° já entendia grande parte e já consegui responder às perguntas


    1. Parabéns pelo texto “teacher Jader” pra mim tem muitas palavras novas no qual eu posso melhorar o meu vocabulário. E o melhor de tudo eu consegui entender o texto.


      1. Hello Marcelo, thanks pelo feedback man.
        Qualquer dúvida conte comigo.


  7. Olá Jader. Muito obrigado pelos podcasts me ajudam muito.
    On the text Tom said he was 31 and after he worked for a company for 20 years.
    He started working at 11 yers old?


    1. Achei que só eu tinha observado isso kkkk Até vim aqui pra conferir o texto!


  8. Bom dia.
    Ouvi todos os episódios do podcast neste mês de janeiro.
    Gostaria de saber quando será o próximo episódio e com que frequência são postados.


  9. Good job Teacher, you are great! Waiting to another episodes, thank you!


  10. 1. In which area does Julia work?
    Julia works In the marketing area
    2. How many people did Julia interview?
    Julia interview 7 peoples
    3. Why did Tom quit his previous Job?
    Because, he were goes to the Spain for 6 mouth.
    4. How many interviews did Tom have?
    Tom has 3 interviews
    5. How old is tom?
    Tom has 31 years old
    6. Where is here from?
    Tom is from spain
    7. Where does he live?
    Tom lifes in the Boston, us.
    8. How many languages does Tom speak?
    Tom speaks 5 languages
    9. Where is the boss origally from?
    Tho boss is from brazil
    10. What language did tom Learn for the world cup in 2018?
    Tom does learn Russian languange
    11. How many years of experience does Tom have in Marketing?
    Tom has 20 years of experience in marketing

    12. What kind of food tom doesn’t like?
    He doesn’t like Mexican cuisine. Because is spaicy
    13. What’s tom favorite dish?
    He likes lasagna
    14. Did tom get the job?


  11. Adorei este episódio! Não consegui identificar uma palavra ou outra, mas entendi toda história já na segunda ouvida.
    Estou ansiosa pela explicação do present perfect e diferença no uso do future continuous e simple future. Adoro seu podcast! Ouço sempre no carro.


  12. Conteúdo perfeito! Muito bem pensado, e trabalha o listening e gramatical em conjunto! Very good!🤩

    Por mim, poderiam ser vários conteúdos como esse!


  13. Teacher I started to “acompanhar” your podcast in the “inicio” in January. I´m learning a lot. Your class is very didatica and It isn´t “cansativas”. I started learning english by myself in “inicio” do last years.

    Congratulation for your class!!!
    You are an excelente teacher

    Eu queria passar uma DICA que pensei ontem e já coloquei em pratica hoje.
    Acho que vai ajudar a galera que quer treinar sua fala e não tem com quem conversar ou está sem grana para pagar um professor ou site especializado para conversar com professores ou nativos.
    Eu comprei um microphone de lapela (é fácil encontrar em lojas de informática) que liga no computador (R$21,00 aqui em Salvador).
    Eu estudo duolingo todos os dias. Todas as frases que o Duolingo me passa como exercício eu estou repetindo no microphone para o google tradutor. Assim consegui ver que algumas palavras, frases eu já estou conseguindo pronunciar corretamente e outras não. Achei interessante pq até frase que eu achava que estava pronunciando certo, na verdade eu não estava e as frases que eu acertei aumentou a minha confiança em saber que estou falando corretamente. Bem é isso. Espero que ajude para quem está na mesma situação que eu. “Aprendendo na raça!” rsrs


  14. Parabéns pelo episódio 81, estou voltando em todos os episódios que possuem conversação ou textos grandes para revisá-los e utilizá-los de base para saber quais episódios precisarei revisar.

    Foi muito bom aquele seu desabafo, que se transformou em uma reflexão, não somente do que é importante em inglês como o que é importante em outras áreas também, que agregadas ao inglês gerarão um grande valor a minha carreira !

    Você é 10 cara ! Parabéns por sua iniciativa meu camarada !


  15. Eu simplesmente não tem palavras para agradecer o que tu faz por nós! Esse curso está mudando a minha vida!


    Entendi 85% do texto sozinha <3 I love youuuu hahhahaha


  16. Olá teacher
    A questão 6 está estranha. Where is here from?
    De onde é aqui?


    1. não sou o teacher,mas no podcast ele fala certo
      Where is HE from? de onde ele é?

      acho que na pergunta,ouve um erro de digitação mesmo
      (Where is heRE from? ) duas letras que mudam tudo


      1. Olá Fagner, foi um erro de digitação, o correto é “Where is he from”, já corrigimos. Obrigado!


  17. As aulas de texto e de conversação são as que mais tem me ajudado, é muito bom quando percebo que estou evoluindo no listening.
    Thanks Very Much Teacher Jay !!!


  18. Hi teacher! This is course is amazing!


  19. 1. In which area does Julia work?
    Julia works at HR in a marketing company.
    2. How many people did Julia interview?
    Julia was interview 6 people.
    3. Why did Tom quit his previous job?
    Because did he go to travel around Europe.
    4. How many interviews did Tom have?
    Tom had 2 interviews.
    5. How old is Tom?
    Tom is 31 years olde.
    6. Where is he from?
    He is from Spain.
    7. Where does he live?
    He lives in Boston, US.
    8. How many languages does Tom speak?
    Tom speaks 5 languages.
    9. Where is the boss originally from?
    The boss ir originally from Brasil.
    10. What language did tom Learn for the world cup in 2018?
    He learned Russian.
    11. How many years of experience does Tom have in Marketing?
    Tom have 20 years of experience in marketing.
    12. What kind of food Tom doesn’t like?
    Tom doesn’t like, Mexican food.
    13. What’s Tom’s favorite dish?
    Tom’s favorite dish is lasagna.
    14. Did Tom get the job?
    No, because his astrological sign is virgo.


  20. Teacher J., escutei o ep 77 umas 30x e consegui ter um ótimo aproveitamento do listening. Fiz as questões e acertei todas. Obrigada por compartilhar seu conhecimento conosco.


  21. Meus parabéns Jader este episódio foi top demais. Obrigado pelo conteúdo de primeira qualidade.


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