Ep. 130 – Job Interview [Analisando Textos em Inglês]

Hoje vamos estudar outro diálogo em inglês. Este é um diálogo com ritmo natural de fala e muito vocabulário interessante e útil para situações de entrevista de emprego.

Link do áudio original: https://www.esl-lab.com/difficult/job-interview-script/

Diálogo completo

Woman: Hi. Thanks for coming to the interview today. It’s nice to meet you.
Man: Well, thank you.
Woman: To begin with, why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?
Man: Okay. Um, yeah. I’ve always been interested in teaching in a language program like this, and uh, I graduated with a degree in English and psychology eight years ago, [ Oh, really, both? ]. Yeah, and uh then I landed my first job overseas in Japan.
Woman: Oh, wow. That’s pretty impressive. What did you do there? What kind of work?
Man: Well, I worked full time, um, for a private language school in Tokyo for the first two years, and then I found a job at a community college.
Woman: Oh really? So, exactly what did you do in your work there then?
Man: Well, I taught English and, uh, culinary arts.
Woman: You taught cooking classes?
Man: Well, well, I know it sounds like an unusual combination, but I completed a program in culinary arts before I got my, uh, English and psychology degrees.
Woman: Oh, Wow. You’ve done a lot, haven’t you? [ Yeah. ] So, what exactly, um, how did you teach and what exactly did you do?
Man: Well, um, many of my students wanted to become chefs in restaurants, or they wanted to start their own restaurants, uh, and in our area, there were many, uh, tourists tourist spots. A lot of tourists came to that particular area, and so with English, they would be able to communicate not only with suppliers, you know things that they need for restaurant’s food and so forth, but also with their customers, and so I taught them English and cooking at the same time.
Woman: Wow. That’s, that’s pretty impressive. That’s interesting. [ . . . and tasty.] Oh, I bet. So, why did you return to the United States? How long have you been back?
Man: I’ve been back for, uh, probably about a year now.
Woman: Okay, so what brought you back then?
Man: Well, one of my former students opened a sushi restaurant, uh, in town, and he asked me to work with him.
Woman: Really? What’s the name of the restaurant?
Man: Well, it’s called Flying Sushi. Have you ever heard of it?
Woman: Yes, I’ve been there. Their food is fabulous; it’s top-notch. It’s really hard just to get a reservation there.
Man: I know, and uh, well, I work there two weeknights, and uh, and then . . .
Woman: So, two nights a week you’re working there still?
Man: Right, right, but then, but . . . I want to return to teaching. I’ve also been working as a therapist at a treatment center for teenagers struggling with depression and other mental health disorders.
Woman: Oh, wow, that would be a really interesting job.
Man: It is, it is.
Woman: Wow. You have such a wide range of experience. Uh, you know, to be honest, we have fifteen people who are applying for this position. You’ve got quite a background, but why don’t you tell me three reasons why you would be the best person for this job.
Man: Um, well, first of all, uh, I understand that different students have different learning styles, and for that reason, I have used iPads, video, music, cooking, drama, role plays, and games to reach every student. [ That’s good. ] And second, I have a background in academic and psychological counseling and advising [ Uh, huh ] . . . skills that are often needed, you know, in working with international students.
Woman: Yeah, that could be really useful.
Man: Yeah, so you know, many of them struggle with, uh, emotional turmoil, you know, home sickness . . . .
Woman: Yeah, coming to a new place . . .
Man: Right, so making the transition can be very overwhelming, and uh . . .
Woman: Good. So, what would you say would be a third reason?
Man: And finally, I speak four different languages . . . .
Woman: Four? Wow! What languages do you speak?
Man: Well, I speak Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese at an advanced level. [ At an advanced level? Wow. ] And I also speak Arabic at a high-intermediate level.
Woman: That’s very, very impressive. You do have an impressive resume.
Man: Thank you.
Woman: Uh, what we’re doing . . . we’re going to have two rounds of interviews, and we will contact you on Friday and let you know whether or not you’ll be coming back for the second round of interviews.
Man: Okay.
Woman: It’s been really nice meeting you, and thank you for your time.


  • Today – Hoje
  • Come – Vir
  • Begin – Comecar
  • Tell us – Nos diz
  • I’ve been – Eu estive (começou no passado e ainda contunua)
  • Interested – Interessado
  • Graduated (passado) – Graduado
  • Degree – Grau/Diploma
  • Psychology – Psicologia
  • Both – Ambos
  • Overseas – Lá do outro lado do oceano (no estrangeiro)
  • Pretty – Bonita/Bem (neste caso serve como intensificador)
  • Impressive – Impressionante
  • Kind – Tipo
  • Full time – Tempo integral
  • Then – Então
  • Find – Achar
  • College – Faculdade
  • Really – Sério
  • Exactly – Exatamente
  • Taught (passado de teach) – Ensinava
  • Know – Sei
  • Sounds  – Soa (parece aos ouvidos)
  • Unusual – Fora do Comum
  • Want – Queria
  • Become – Se tornar
  • Own – Próprio
  • Tourist – Turista
  • Spot – Lugar
  • Able – Capaz
  • Suppliers – Fornecedores
  • So forth – E assim por diante (expressão)
  • At the same time – Ao mesmo tempo
  • Bet – Aposto
  • About – Por Volta
  • Bring – Trazer
  • Former – Antigo
  • Fabulous – Fabuloso
  • Top-notch – Topo de Linha
  • Therapist – Terapeuta
  • Treatment – Tratamento
  • Struggle– Lutar/Lidar
  • Depression – Depressão
  • Disorders – Desordens
  • Such – Muito (Aumentativo)  
  • Wide – Largo
  • Range – Alcance
  • Apply – Candidatar
  • Background – Experiência
  • Reason – Razão/Motivo
  • First of all – Primeiramente
  • Role Plays – Encenação
  • Reach – Alcançar
  • Counseling – Aconselhamento
  • Advising – Aconselhamento
  • Skills – Habilidades
  • Turmoil – Crise/Turbulência
  • Home Sickness – Saudade de casa
  • Overwhelm– Sobrecarga
  • Interviews – Entrevistas
  • Let You know – Te deixaremos saber/Avisaremos
  • Whether or Not – Se sim ou não


  1. The man studied English and _________ at the university
  2. He found his first job in Japan at a ________
  3. The men’s cooking students wanted to _______
  4. Now the man works at japanese restaurant and at a _________
  5. The man should be a good candidate for the job because he _________


  1. The man studied English and Psychology at university
  2. He found his first job in Japan at a private language school
  3. The mans cooking student’s wanted to open the own restaurants
  4. Now the man works at a japanese restaurant and at a mental health treatment center
  5. The man should be a good candidate for the job because he has experience in psychological advising

🗣️ Speak up!  🎧

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Obrigado pela sua atenção e até o próximo episódio. See you! 

1 comentário

  1. Fui Dialogar com um gringo …..foi um Papo de 3 min ….?
    Não entendi o que ele falou mas respondi,,…….
    – É…….
    – AMH.

    Ele me olhou com vara de.(?) É foi embora.


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